Ministry Partners

“Most people in the world have no experience of deep and abiding joy.
Even though it is something we all desperately long for, the assurance that true happiness can be known — fully and forever—is a hope that billions of people live every day without. This is a tragedy. Desiring God is on a mission to change that. We aim to help people everywhere embrace a profound truth that changes everything about life and eternity.”
“At 9Marks, we help pastors, future pastors, and church members see what a biblical church looks like, and to take practical steps for becoming one. Our goal is to see churches characterized by nine biblical marks of a healthy church. Why these nine? Because sadly, they’re too often assumed or ignored in evangelical churches.”
iDISCIPLE is a ministry that exists to bring glory to God by making gospel-centered disciples of all nations, starting with the local churches in the Philippines. We do this through conferences and training courses for the youth, young adults, pastors, and ministry workers.